- 发布时间:2020-09-23
- 有效时间:长期有效
- 主办单位:杭州择之服饰有限公司/杭州衣舍品牌管理有限公司
- 品牌名称:衣舍女装
- 换 货 率:面议
- 保 证 金:面议
- 拿货折扣:4.00
- 加 盟 费:面议
- 投资金额:无要求
- 合作模式:特许加盟
- 招商区域:全国
Design is never just manufacturing clothes but also a lifestyle in today’s diversification of fashion. IZZEN has been looking for all
kinds of ideas and inspirations from the legendary past and used them to create modern life. IZZEN appreciates expression full of per-
sonality; explore the creativities with confidence, frankness and free-spirit. Personalized lifestyle can be created with fun-filled choices
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