资讯 品牌资讯 女装行业












  Wisdom aesthetics

  Between west and east

  As if there were a natural river

  Opposite the shore

  The west is like a cold and proud beauty

  The east is a decent lady

  Things sit opposite each other

  But always find a harmony at some latitude

  And meet an unexpected beauty

  盖娅传说是由熊英老师创办的高端服装品牌,近年在国内外极其活跃。盖娅传说时尚会所于2020年初开始设计创作,历时一年的时间,终于在2020年初投入使用,也是盖娅传说全球旗舰会所,该项目面积 800㎡,位于北京的艺术街区。熊英的独特的个人气质和品牌的快速发展都呼唤一个与之相匹配的艺术空间。

  Heaven Gaia, is a luxury fashion brand founded by Xiur, which has been extremely active worldwide in recent years.Heaven Gaia fashion club began its design and creation in the beginning of 2019. After one year's work, it was finally put into use in the beginning of 2020. It is also the global flagship club of Heaven Gaia.This club has an area of 800 ㎡ and is located in the art district in Beijing. Because of Ms Xiur’s unique characteristics and the rapid development of Heaven Gaia, the sales space needs to be carefully reflective of her art。

  创始人熊英 Founder:Ms. Xiur

  可可香奈儿(Gabrielle Chanel),1930s

  熊英&皮尔卡丹 Xiur & Pierre Cardin, 2019

  熊英她对服装的天赋和勤奋,以及每天服务大量名流的场景,都会让人联想起一个世纪前那个时代的大师们。Her talent and diligence in fashion, and the daily service she offers to celebrities are reminiscent of fashion masters of a past era.


  An entire old-building has been implanted with a brand, which is also a good try for Gaia and a revival of the art district.

  T台模式草图/Sketch of Catwalk mode

  日常模式/Daily  mode

  T台模式/Catwalk mode

  上下楼成为走秀的一部分,大厅实现销售与走秀的功能转换Going up and down becomes part of the catwalk show. However, the lobby can thus shift from sales mode to show mode.

  旋梯与走秀/ The catwalk show and the spiral staircase

  秀于巴黎歌剧院 Show in the staircase of the Paris Opera House

  旋梯与走秀/ The catwalk show and the spiral staircase

  木和水这两种元素是这位服装设计师认为能代表东方的。水在这里被一种数字技术模拟,成为凝固的“水幕墙”与服装的背景。The two elements, wood and water, are considered by Ms. Xiur to represent the East. A solidified "waterfull", as background of the clothing display, is a simulation of water by a digital technique.

  宴会厅/Kitchen & Private Dining room

  总设计工作室/Chief designer’s studio

  VIP洽谈间/VIP Room



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