26684;的品牌. 而深受自信、独立、具魅力的女性歡迎。每一位女性都拥有属于自己的一片天。不论年龄,无论行走于哪个领域,都有自己的精彩演绎。在职场上雷厉风行,在家庭间温柔尽责,在朋友间风趣幽默……她们,就是MARYLING——独立,率性,自然。散发着温婉而强大的气场,低调、优雅地穿梭于各个场合,成为众人焦点。
MARYLING以24-7 的概念为中心.适合白天, 晚上, 上班, 周末, 宴会等各精釆的节目.女装系列(包括高级成衣、晚礼服),精品配饰(包括眼镜、围巾、手袋、鞋履、饰品等)都沿袭其简约大气的设计风格及精益求精的工艺细节。高级成衣系列的服饰以限量、款新的模式满足全球各地的消费需求。
Founded in 2010, MARYLING pays tribute to modern femininity with elegant, highly covetable collections. Through the pairing of luxurious, high quality fabrics and cutting edge design technology, MARYLING encompasses effortless style for the modern women.
MARYLING is an international brand with headquarters based in Italy. It provides premium R-T-W collections at accessible price points to accommodate the multi-faceted lifestyle of the modern women. Through the creation of timeless,sophisticated, clean and
feminine collections across clothing and accessory lines, an aspirational lifestyle brand iscreated.
In Europe, the MARYLING flagship store is located at 37 Via Manzoni, in the heart of the city’s shopping district. In recent years, MARYLING has built a strong presence in both malls and department stores throughout the top ranked cities in Asia; a result
of a very positive response to the brand there.